Proteq Animal Bedding 15kg


Proteq Equine Bedding is a premium wood based product manufactured in Australia from untreated softwood shavings and sawdust, which are by-products of the sustainably managed Australian softwood timber industry.


Proteq is heat processed to ensure the highest quality clean bedding is delivered to your stables. Specifically developed for the Equine industry, Proteq has superior benefits in comparison to traditional bedding. Its ease of use, super absorbency and health benefits to horses means that you and your stabled mates will be very happy using Proteq.

The wood pellets are made from softwood sourced from well-managed FSC accredited sustainably managed plantations, which makes Proteq environmentally friendly. Proteq is an all-natural product that is hygienically clean and super absorbent ensuring a healthy long-lasting alternative to shavings, rice, paper or straw bedding.

How to use

Initial Stable Setup

Using Proteq Equine Bedding is easy and takes only about 30 minutes and it’s ready for use. Just follow these simple steps:

Step 1

Place approximately 16 bags of pellet bedding in a clean 4m x 4m stable with a cement or dirt floor. For rubber flooring you can set up a patch with approximately 6 bags.

Step 2

Line up the bags along the wall, rip one corner open and follow along the seam. Add 9 litres of water per bag or fill bag with the hose until water drips out of the upper air holes. This will cause the pellets to activate (swell and fluff up)

Step 3

After 20 minutes, the pellets will have absorbed all the water and expanded to around 3 times there original size. (Note: some pellets will not have broken down and this is normal)

Step 4

Empty the pellets out of the bags onto the floor. The bed will transform to a soft, fluffy but dense surface.

Step 5

Using a fork spread the bedding out evenly into the desired area on the floor and make up any banks if required.

Step 6

Lightly water the bed for 30 seconds to help break down remaining pellets. After 10 minutes, run your fork through the bedding again to fluff it up. Total expansion of bedding can take up to 48 hours.

Stable Maintenance

Step 1

Remove solids and completely saturated patches daily. Proteq Equine Bedding separates from manure and remains in the stable, so less bedding is wasted and you will notice that your manure heap will be greatly reduced. Urine patches should be visualized as darker than normal bedding. When removing urine patches, only lightly shake the pitchfork to remove clean bedding. If the bedding does not easily fall through the fork it should be removed.

Step 2

For full time stabled Horses, add 1 to 2 bags of Proteq Equine Bedding weekly to replenish the bedding removed and ensure it is evenly distributed throughout the bed. The very dirtiest permanently stabled horse may require additional bedding to be added from time to time.

Step 3

Completely turn the bed daily and spray with water for 30 seconds. This keeps the bedding settled and at maximum efficiency.

Step 4

Proteq Equine Bedding has fluidity similar to sand. It easily falls through a normal stable fork. To remove smaller manure particles that would usually blend into other bedding types, a pitchfork with narrower tines will be needed.

Helpful Hints

Helpful Hints

  • Warm or hot water activates the pellets much faster.
  • The most effective way to set up a stable is by adding water into Proteq bags standing up for activation.
  • Bedding can take up to 48 hours to fully break down and fluff up. Keep this in mind when you are tempted to add extra bedding at initial setup.
  • To top up stalls pellets can both be added directly on top of bedding and watered, or two bags will fit into a standard wheelbarrow for activation.

Proteq Benefits

Proteq Equine Bedding comes with 5 superior benefits to ensure your stable performs at it’s best.

Clean and Healthy

Heat treatment of 100% natural pine removes tars, oils, hydrocarbons and other potential allergens. This results in a clean, pest free bedding which reduces ammonia levels in stabled environments eliminating bad odours and reducing respiratory issues. Additional dust screening significantly helps reduce triggers in respiratory sensitive horses whilst preventing problems beginning in others.

Cost Effective

Helps your bottom line in many ways including:

  • Reduced bedding usage by up to 50%
  • Significantly less soiled bedding to dispose of
  • Less time spent mucking out stalls

Once set up, Proteq is so much easier to use than traditional bedding. Most users find that due to superior absorbency only urine spots and manure need to be removed meaning more clean bedding stays in your stall and less needs to be added.

Highly Absorbent

Natural softwood pine pellets have an extremely low moisture content
(6-8% in comparison to an average of 48% moisture in traditional sawdust or straw) making them ideal for quickly absorbing wet spots which form small clumps for easy removal. This significantly reduces the likeliness of urine pooling at the bottom of the stable thus reducing ammonia levels building up.

Convenient Bags

Easy to use, stackable bags take up significantly less space than conventional sawdust and result in a cleaner, more organised stable environment.


100% all natural pine composts quickly and efficiently and is safe to go straight out from your stable to your gardens or manure pile.